The official currency of Vietnam is called Dong (VND) Issued by the State Bank of Vietnam since May, 1978. In 1978, Vietnamese money was cotton money, however, in December, 2003, it was changed to polymer. The new money is more valuable with better quality, untearable and unfakeable.
1, Cotton money
Different from other countries in the world, The Vietnamese use thousand unit instead of one unit. The smallest amount is 1,000vnd. These three amount is still issued as cotton money.
2, Polymer money
In 2003, polymer money was issued by the State Bank of Vietnam. In the meantime, Vietnamese paper money was very easy to be copied. With these new money, it is certainly impossible for people to print fake money which would prevent inflation in Vietnam. 500,000vnd is the most valuable paper money at the moment following by 200,000 and 100,000vnd
Every Vietnamese paper money is printed picture of Ho Chi Minh who was the president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from 1945 to 1969. After the Zimbabwean dollar and the Iranian rial, Vietnamese Dong is the third least valued currency. That is why Vietnam can be one of the best place people should travel to as they can get more and spend less money.
3, Exchange Rate
Code | Name | Buy by Cash
(VND) |
Buy by Transfer
(VND) |
(VND) |
AUD | AUST.DOLLAR | 16,818.95 | 16,920.47 | 17,071.50 |
CAD | CANADIAN DOLLAR | 16,739.76 | 16,891.79 | 17,110.88 |
CHF | SWISS FRANCE | 22,126.35 | 22,282.33 | 22,571.33 |
DKK | DANISH KRONE | – | 3,183.12 | 3,282.98 |
EUR | EURO | 23,853.22 | 23,924.99 | 24,138.54 |
GBP | BRITISH POUND | 27,453.87 | 27,647.40 | 27,894.18 |
HKD | HONGKONG DOLLAR | 2,867.35 | 2,887.56 | 2,930.87 |
INR | INDIAN RUPEE | – | 330.02 | 342.98 |
JPY | JAPANESE YEN | 193.70 | 195.66 | 197.40 |
KRW | SOUTH KOREAN WON | 17.67 | 18.60 | 19.76 |
KWD | KUWAITI DINAR | – | 73,754.85 | 76,650.66 |
MYR | MALAYSIAN RINGGIT | – | 5,038.31 | 5,103.66 |
NOK | NORWEGIAN KRONER | – | 2,624.44 | 2,706.77 |
RUB | RUSSIAN RUBLE | – | 345.49 | 422.63 |
SAR | SAUDI RIAL | – | 6,001.86 | 6,237.51 |
SEK | SWEDISH KRONA | – | 2,492.99 | 2,555.81 |
SGD | SINGAPORE DOLLAR | 15,607.32 | 15,717.34 | 15,889.38 |
THB | THAI BAHT | 625.18 | 625.18 | 651.28 |
USD | US DOLLAR | 22,530.00 | 22,530.00 | 22,600.00 |
All of the above information is accurate at the time of publication.